Friday, October 28, 2011

Trunk or Treating 11'

Every year we go to my parents ward Halloween party.  They do a chili cook off and then do trick or treating for the kids.  I love it because they do it inside.  They set up the chairs around the gym and the kids come walk the circle.  I like to go visit with friends from that ward and so do my kids.

The kids were super excited that they got to dress up.  I didn't get one of Tucker on his own because he had homework that he needed to work on but the others...
Love her eyes!  My only baby without brown ones.
Norma is a "Flapper Girl".

I know this one is blurry but she is smiling in it.
Thad is Bumblebee.
Katy did NOT want me putting the paint on her face but when we all couldn't quit saying how cute she was, she started hamming it up for the camera.
I wanted you to see her tail. ;0)
Isn't she cute!

My mom makes home-made chicken noodle soup to take to the chili cook off every year and it is the only thing my kids will eat so we always sneak some before going up the the party.

My mom even got in the spirit and dressed up.  She is so amazing and looks so good!  This outfit she made me when I was six.  She made an adult costume so that I could wear my coat under it.  What kid wants to do that? :0)

I drew this "Dark Mark" on Winni's arm.  She is a Death Eater this year.

Norma was so sweet at the church.  She would take Katy's hand and drag her around everywhere.  I was so happy that she was helping her and letting her be with her.  I really hope that they can grow up to be friends.  Katy hasn't been sleeping well and so Norma hasn't either and that makes for an unhappy Norma most of the time.

I was surprised that when the adults asked the kids to sit in the middle of the gym to eat their candy so that wrappers didn't get everywhere they did!  I had to take a picture.

The kids had a blast and I always enjoy going and talking to friends.  Thanks 15th Ward for letting us come.


Kathryn said...

Great memories (traditions too) for for you and them. I love the pictures! I'm glad Kate decided to show off being a 'kitty' for them.

Becky Gockley said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Good thing you got these pictures of them dressed up! They look great!