Thursday, January 24, 2013

Typical Day

This is what my house looks like most days.

I sit and do homework.

Katy makes a mess of the whole house, this is just a picture of the living room.  Lays on the couch and watches Dora most of the day.  Stays in her jammies all day long.  Sometimes my family gets dinner.  :0)


Kathryn said...

I'm glad that you're so committed to school. Hopefully you'll be able to find ways of doing dinner - maybe make allot on the weekends?

Becky Gockley said...

Wow that looks so stressful! How are you doing it? How many classes do you have? I wish you luck, energy and patience!

Bonnie said...

It will be worth it!

Glade and Diane Powell said...

You can do it! We have faith in you.