Sunday, March 17, 2013

Finding Fun

With so much to do in Wendover...  we have to find things to do.  riding bikes in the desert is a good one.

This is right behind our house, about a mile and a half from the highway.  I walk the trail with Sarah everyday, the kids ride their bikes, find dirt piles to jump and like to pick up the dirt clods in big hunks, seeing who can get the biggest one without breaking them.

Norma has been on her bike non-stop since she learned to ride.  She has a sunburn on the top of her arms even.  She loves that she can ride with the boys now.


Kathryn said...

What a great family activity and in an environment most won't even think of enjoying.

Bonnie said...

Love finding family fun!

Becky Gockley said...

Looks fun. Riley would love those dirt hills!

Amy Conklin said...

You've got a regular BMX course going there! Looks like fun!