Friday, April 26, 2013

Pinewood Derby, Wendover Style

We just found out on Sunday that the Pinewood Derby would be last night.  I asked if our boys could bring their cars that they made last year to race and they let us.

 Katy loved the tables full of fruit and cookies.
 Tucker was sad that he is no longer in Cub scouts and they wouldn't let him run his car til the end.
 Thad was just so happy to be included.

 Thad came in last time every time he ran but he didn't let him get it down.  I know, a first time for everything. :0) But I loved that he loved running.  I just love that I caught him in the air and his fingers just going.
 Tucker and Thad loved running against each other at the end.  Tuckers came in first but still it never got Thad down.  I was so proud of him.
Yeah for being involved with scouts again!


Becky Gockley said...

That's too bad they didn't give you any notice! Glad your boys still got to do it though. Looks fun. Proud of Thad for being so good about it!

Kathryn said...

Wow! How exciting to have Thad handle is all so well! I love the picture you got with him mid-air in one of his happy moments.