Saturday, May 25, 2013

Talent Show 2013

 ASE or Anna Smith Elementary had an end-of-the-year talent show and Tucker decided that he wanted to perform with his recorder.  He chose a Christmas song...

Katy loved dancing to all the music and there were a lot of gymnastic performances and she wanted to be up there trying to help and do everything they were doing.
 I am so proud of Tucker!  He did amazing!
 One of the dance numbers threw these big balls out to the crowd and one of the moms got one for Katy and Bella to play with.  Little did she know that the only thing these girls can do anymore is fight.

It was pretty funny to watch them run after the ball and almost go over it.


Kathryn said...

Tucker! I'm not surprised how well you did. I'm very glad your mother could share it with us. Wish I was there too!

What a fun 'ball'!

Becky Gockley said...

Way to go Tucker! That can be so scary! Those balls are amazing! They are bigger than Katy! Looks fun!