Monday, July 29, 2013

Cleaning House

Yesterday morning I got this text.

"I moved the filing cabinets."

"To get this. "

Yes. That would be number two to be found in our house. This one is smaller than the one that was in Thad's laundry basket at least. 

Later I get this one. 
"It shouldn't be mad at me. I gave it a dead fly. "

 Nate did some research and found out that they aren't poisonous.  If you get stung by a scorpion its just like getting stung by a bee.  That made me feel a bit better.  Still, not happy about them in the house.


Brian and Tonya said...

Eek. Poisonous or not one of those in my house would have me staying in a hotel. I don't like creepy crawlies.

Amy Conklin said...


Kathryn said...

I'm with you. I love Nate's humor!

Glade and Diane Powell said...

Yikes! That would be scary. Can you spray to keep them out? I thought hornets were bad....