Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Yes, Virgina There is a Santa Claus

Today was the ASE annual play of "Yes, Virgina there is a Santa Claus".  This was not something we were really looking forward to attending.  Last year it was so long!  And really, elementary school acting...?  But this year, we had reason to go.  To both times.  Tucker was Mr. Church.

He tried out a few months ago and was so excited to be chosen to play Mr. Church.  Thad had wanted to try out as well but when he was asked to sing something he decided that it wasn't worth trying out for.

All the students sing Christmas carols at the beginning of the play and Thad and Norma have been practicing their songs all week as well.

One of the best things; you could hear Norma over everyone else. :0)

Tucker needed a mustache and was asked if I would be willing to draw one on him for the play.  I just happen to have bought a whole bunch of fake ones when I was getting some other things off line for really cheap.  I think that was one of the best things. :0)

Katy would get so sad every time Tucker walked off stage.  "Where is Tucker with his mustache and hat?" She would ask with her finger under her nose and her hand on her head.

Because of the play, Nana, Papa and Winni came out to stay the night with us so they could see it.  The kids just love having people over and someone besides Mom and Dad to pay attention to them.  They decided to take all the kids out to lunch after the play before heading home.

The second play was later and the kids got to sing again.  This time, I got video of Tucker's two major parts.  He sings a song all by himself and then the letter back to Virgina.

Here is another one of Norma and Thad.  Because so few children showed up for the second play, they got to sing together and it lucked out that they stood by each other too.

1 comment:

Becky Gockley said...

Wow that is a huge production! Tucker looks awesome!