Friday, January 18, 2013


 Kids came home with their grades today.

 Had to have them on the fridge, or at least as long as Katy would leave them there.  Which wasn't very long.
 Tucker's grades.  The one C+ is because we came in part way and he missed a big test.  :0(
 Norma is the top of her class!
 Drum roll...  Thad got straight A's!!!  He is so proud of them and we are too.  I didn't get straight A's til I was in 6th grade.
I'm so glad the kids are adjusting so well to the new school.


Kathryn said...

Wow! Great reports for all three children. Congratulations to each one! There should be a way that Tucker isn't docked for the time he wasn't enrolled. At least it doesn't count for the years colleges require seeing the grades.

Becky Gockley said...

Way to go kids! That is great! Looks like school is going well for them!

Bonnie said...

Your kids are awesome because you are awesome! Glad the transition between schools is working out.

Glade and Diane Powell said...

Wow! They are doing GREAT! Give them BIG hugs for us. We are so proud of them.