Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Norma goes for a Ride

The last day of school before Christmas break, Norma came home and told me that she had won a limo ride.  I didn't think much of it.  Not that Norma is a story teller, just that it sounded like maybe she had played a game where she won this.  She was telling me all about it and I told her that they would send something home to tell me about it when it would happen, (if it would happen).  The boys then told me that they did hear her name called for a limo ride.  O-kay.

I didn't think much of it til they went back to school.  Norma came home with a permission slip and not much more information than she had been picked to go for a limo ride and they needed the permission slip back the next day.  No day of when they were going, no reason she had been picked and what it was for.  No nothing.

Monday Norma came home and all she could do was talk about going for a limo ride tomorrow.  Tucker said that he had heard that it was on the 8th and that 1 person from each class was picked for reading in the school reading program.  Norma was just the lucky one to be picked.

They got to go for a ride around town and then to Burger King for an ice cream cone.  She said that they had gone to McDonald's first and they didn't have any ice cream.

I wish I would have known a bit more information.  I would have come to the school and taken a picture of Norma with the limo.  I think she will remember this for the rest of her life.  I told her that the only time I had gone in a limo was our wedding day.

Got to love Wendover when a day out on the town is ice cream at Burger King.


Becky Gockley said...

Wow fun! I won a limo ride in Jr. High once. It was so much fun! Too bad you didn't know more info though. That is a pain!

Kathryn said...

True! But for a kid ice cream is big and, like you said, Norma won't forget her ride in the Lima. I wish they would have communicated with you better so you could add pictures to the memories. Congratulations Norma!

Bonnie said...

How neat!