Thursday, June 5, 2014

Eva's First Bike Ride

Nate has looked forward to having a companion on his bike rides.  Eva has a backpack to carry her own water and everything so they headed out.

This was at the top of the hill.  Nate said he tried to get her to go slow up the hill but she was just to excited to be out and smelling all the good things around.

This was on the way down.  See how far back she is?

That little speck on the road is Eva.  She was walking at this point even though Nate was going down hill and fast.  He ended up calling me to come and get her so he could finish his ride.

Poor thing could not get enough of the ac and then tried her hardest to keep out of the sun.  Little did we know that she was hurt.  The backpack and cut into her side.  But that wasn't the worst of it.  The next day I noticed her licking her paws more than normal and went to check them out and saw that she and worn her paws down to nothing.  She just laid around for three days after this ride.  Eva is a Very active dog so having her lay around for so long was really sad to see.  Needless to say, she is not going on any long bike rides soon.

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