Friday, January 22, 2010

"Ding Bat-ism"

Ding Bat-ism: a condition common in adult females; caused by excessive house cleaning, diaper changing and prolonged lack of adult conversation. (Sorry but I just loved this quote today. :) )

I had a doctor appointment yesterday. I got to go over all my labor questions with her and found out some good information. This may be my 4th baby but I feel like a new mother with it being 4 years since we have done this. I found out that even though I have had a, for lack of a better word, a normal delivery after my c-section this will still be considered a V-BAC. Which means I still have to be very careful, they won't be able to start me and that if the baby turns breech, unless I can turn her on my own, (which I have done with my other babies) it will be a automatic c-section. I won't be able to labor at home as long as I was hoping but I think that will be okay. I am very anxious to get this baby here. I have figured that in 3 weeks I can try to do anything to get her here. She will be considered full term and they wouldn't stop my labor again. I have never had a baby early so I don't have high hopes but I am sure going to try very hard to get her here early. And even though I have been very good about taking my vitamins, my iron is still too low to be healthy so it is back to my iron supplements. I wanted to write all this down so that one; I'll remember and two; it will be nice to look back on one day. I wish my mom had been better about writing in a journal. My grandmother was pretty good about it and I loved reading her journal. Now I'm not so great. I use to be but not so much anymore. I hope that one day, when my own daughters are having babies and they ask me questions about it, I can look back on some of the things I've written down and it can help in some way.

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