We were able to go and talk with the kids and their new teachers on the 20th. It was good to see where they are and what they have been doing since the move. We found out that they all are doing well with being the new kids in class. Tucker and Norma aren't even the newest kids in class.
Tucker is doing well and the teacher doesn't seem to think that he is too board in class. When he finishes his work before the other kids, he just reads his book. He will be the teachers pet by the end of the year for sure. She had him organizing papers one day and when he left to do something else, she asked two other students to finish and they couldn't. She is going to be able to help him with his math. He is doing math that he was doing last year. Other than that he is loving it. No homework. :0)
Thad is doing so much better than I thought. He is not being to shy. He is top in his class. The teacher has even put him with another student that was struggling, not having any friends, not wanting to do his work. The teacher saw that Thad and this student had sort of hit it off from the start and now the two of them are really good friends and this other student is doing his work. Way to go Thad!!
Norma is our little social butterfly and not having any problems. She is also a little a head of everyone in her class but we knew that they all would be when we came here. Her writing is above where she should be as is her reading. Which is awesome because in Eagle Mountain, she was going to a reading program to help her reading. Go figure.
I am very glad that we were able to talk to the teachers and address some concerns with them being new to the school. I was worried coming to a lower school that it would pull them down from where they have been but it is not going to be that way. All the teachers were so happy to have our kids to help raise the bar a bit, and their scores. ;0)