Monday, November 5, 2012

First Day of School

I have been waiting for this day since Thursday morning!  The kids back in school!  Even better.  I don't have to take them, at different times, to different schools.  :0)

We have moved in by a very nice family, The Banks.  Hunter and Sam will be our new additions to the family along with their little sister Bella.  You will be seeing a lot of them for the next few years.

Love the BUS!!  It will come pick them up, take them to the school for breakfast, which they get for free, then will bring them right back to our front door.  From 8 to 4 I am a one child household.  Its lovely.

The kids did very well on their first day.  They like their teachers and they each made a friend.  Tucker was a bit put out by the math, they were working on addition that day, but he was surprised that they were covering the same social studies that he was at his old school.

It is different out here but it will be good.  I hope.

1 comment:

Becky Gockley said...

Wow, looks like things are moving right along! I'm glad you will have some time in the day! Sounds like you have friends already! I'm not surprised! Can't wait to hear more about how you are all doing! We are thinking about you and hope everything goes well!