Tuesday, November 27, 2012




 The Best


 & Kisses

Other Uses

Mangers aren't just for Baby Jesus.

Parent Teacher Conference

We were able to go and talk with the kids and their new teachers on the 20th.  It was good to see where they are and what they have been doing since the move.  We found out that they all are doing well with being the new kids in class.  Tucker and Norma aren't even the newest kids in class.

Tucker is doing well and the teacher doesn't seem to think that he is too board in class.  When he finishes his work before the other kids, he just reads his book.  He will be the teachers pet by the end of the year for sure.  She had him organizing papers one day and when he left to do something else, she asked two other students to finish and they couldn't.  She is going to be able to help him with his math.  He is doing math that he was doing last year.  Other than that he is loving it.  No homework.  :0)

Thad is doing so much better than I thought.  He is not being to shy.  He is top in his class.  The teacher has even put him with another student that was struggling, not having any friends, not wanting to do his work.  The teacher saw that Thad and this student had sort of hit it off from the start and now the two of them are really good friends and this other student is doing his work.  Way to go Thad!!

Norma is our little social butterfly and not having any problems.  She is also a little a head of everyone in her class but we knew that they all would be when we came here.  Her writing is above where she should be as is her reading.  Which is awesome because in Eagle Mountain, she was going to a reading program to help her reading.  Go figure.

I am very glad that we were able to talk to the teachers and address some concerns with them being new to the school.  I was worried coming to a lower school that it would pull them down from where they have been but it is not going to be that way.  All the teachers were so happy to have our kids to help raise the bar a bit, and their scores. ;0)

Box Sitting

 Thanks to a friend and some good advice, I am blogging again!

Here is Katy's new favorite seat in the house.  Any box she can find to sit in.  We are not short of boxes here lately. :0)

 This is what we get when we get the camera out.  Eva just can't be left out of things.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Not Happy

I'm not very happy.  I'm am unable to upload new pictures.  Working on it.  Anyone know what I can do, please comment and let me know.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trimming the Tree

For FHE last night we decided to put up the tree.  We really didn't know where to put it.  There isn't much room.  But we improvised.

 Every year when we decorate the tree, we watch Grandma on the tv.  It has become my favorite tradition and the kids always know what we are doing when that dvd comes on.

  Let the holidays being!

Brother's Jacket

 Katy was cold when we got to the storage shed to get the Christmas stuff.  Thad helped.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Norma Has Lost Something

Her first tooth!  This thing has only been loose since we got here a week ago.  She has been working on it every since.  Last night Nate helped a bit and here you go.  A tooth for the Tooth Fairy.
She is so cute!
Katy now thinks that she needs a loose tooth.  This might be hard.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wouldn't be Home Without

My husband loves me.  He told me that it wouldn't make the trip out here and I was so surprised to see him load it on the trailer I started crying.  My Grandpa Montag and Uncle Lynn made this and it just doesn't seem like a real home for me without it. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

First Day of School

I have been waiting for this day since Thursday morning!  The kids back in school!  Even better.  I don't have to take them, at different times, to different schools.  :0)

We have moved in by a very nice family, The Banks.  Hunter and Sam will be our new additions to the family along with their little sister Bella.  You will be seeing a lot of them for the next few years.

Love the BUS!!  It will come pick them up, take them to the school for breakfast, which they get for free, then will bring them right back to our front door.  From 8 to 4 I am a one child household.  Its lovely.

The kids did very well on their first day.  They like their teachers and they each made a friend.  Tucker was a bit put out by the math, they were working on addition that day, but he was surprised that they were covering the same social studies that he was at his old school.

It is different out here but it will be good.  I hope.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Moving in

The kids wanted their clothes that were still packed in the trailer.  These boys are amazing! They unloaded half of the trailer before I got out there to lift the heavy boxes.  I think they really wanted their clothes.  See Katy helping in her jammies and her boots.  At least she put on boots. :0)

Here is what the inside looks like.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Here are my two ninjas and my vampire queen.  Also the grim reaper. :0)

Katy didn't want to wear her costume much.  I had to be quick with the camera to get a picture of her in it.  We got it from Stephine Taylor and I just love it!

It is a phone picture but its one that has all of them in it.  :0)

Halloween was a big day for us.  We had decided that we would let the kids go trick or treating with their friends.  The boys had planned out their routes for weeks.  Nate was going to head back to Wendover that night and I would follow with the kids the next morning for the "Big Move".  We ended up changing the plans just a bit.  We let the kids go trick or treating and then we headed out that night.  I wasn't waiting for the morning to leave.  Nate was willing to wait a few hours for all of us to go together.

We pulled in to the new place, took in our pillows and went to bed.  New Home, here we are.