Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just a few other things

 Walle got a hair cut the same day that Katy did.  He wasn't as happy.  This picture doesn't quite show you how short Nate did it.  The only way I have been getting most of these pictures lately is to have the kids take them.  This is what they got.

 Katy is also eating again.  It has been two months of Poptarts and string cheese.  I wanted proof she is eating a PB & J.

 I have strawberries!  Look at the red one!

 The kids went on my walk with me and we talked about what the summer will be like and the plans that we have.  We went through the "I'm Bored" jar and found which ones will work for us out here.  One of them was to make a blanket fort so they wanted to try it.  It was up long enough for a picture before it started falling in and causing fights.  Oh well, maybe some of the others will work better.


Kathryn said...

I rememeber blanket forts. It worked better for our mom if we made them in our bedroom.

Wow! Both Katy and Walle did get hair cuts. I'm glad to see that Katy is still just below her shoulders.

Becky Gockley said...

Like the hair cut! Glad Katy is eating more than poptarts and string cheese! We make blanket forts all the time. We also have the same problem with it...fighting! Here's to long summer days :)