Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our New Addition

Our new Aquarium! My friend Leslee brought it to us this last week as a house warming gift. Thanks Leslee! The kids love it! It has been a great incentive for the kids to get the fish to go in it. They have had to earn the fish for it and when Nate was telling his partner about it he offered us his fish. So last night, in the storm, we drove down to Payson to get these fish.

The kids had more fun playing at Jared house with his daughter and her play room than thinking about getting the fish and bringing them home.
This is going to be a great motivator for the kids! There are 4 of them and the one just likes to hide. Then there is a great big ugly one, Pinky, as Madision called him, and a little tiny one.
And what a teaser for the dog!
He just sits and whines at them!
I don't know what he would do if he got one. I don't really want to find out.


Bonnie said...

How cool:) I loved having fish tanks when I was a kid.

strickland party of six said...

fish tanks are so cool. and they do tease the dog that is what is funny. how fun

Rusty and Jessica Terry said...

I love fish tanks, in fact I have been going to post a picture of ours. I will one of these days. They are harder to take care of then I thought. (I was just hoping for easy)

Bobby Sue said...

I'm hoping for easy too! :)

Kathryn said...

It's fun to see you - Tucker, Thadd, Norma and, of course, Walle - with the tank and fishes. It's really nice.