Friday, May 22, 2009

New Member

Well we have gained a new member into our family this week. Chauser, Glade's pug, needed somewhere to go while they try to sell the Provo home. There are a few interested people that work with my mom but we knew Glade would want him out as soon as possible. So, he is with us. It will take some adjusting but it will be nicer than having him gone. He is as much a part of this family as anyone else.

If you know of anyone who is intersted in a pug who eats your garbage, likes to play rough with other animals, blows snot everywhere just because he is breathing, eats all the toys, slobbers everywhere, wants to eat ALL the time and is very lovable, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!


Jordyn Parry said...

haha who wouldn't want a dog that does all that? He already talked to my parents, it was a definite no go but I'll look around for ya :)

Bobby Sue said...

I'm just afraid if we don't find somewhere for him to go soon I won't be able to give him up. (I get attached easy.)

Kathryn said...

You forgot to mention the hair.

Bobby Sue said...

And the snoring!

strickland party of six said...

Ha bobby that is so funny, put him on ksl... That should do the trick. I am glad to see you love my pictures and that you put a link on your blog. your awesome but why didn't you enter the contest? you know it would be free anyway? spread the word.