Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Morning

I wanted to post even though I don't have any pictures to post with this. I still want to try to post at least once a week even with out pictures but I promise I will try to take pictures this next week, we are going to the cabin so of course there are going to be pictures. ;)

I feel bad that I update about Kate the most but right now she is the one changing the most day to day. Just a few things that have happened with her the last two weeks.

-She has gotten two more teeth. A total of 3. The two bottom teeth and one top. I put her hair in a pig tail on the top of her head this week and with her two little teeth, (one bottom and one top) she looked like a hill-billy. A very cute one though.
-She is pulling her self up on her feet more. She even scooted across a chair to get to a toy she wanted that was just out of reach.
-She is climbing stairs! I found her on the landing just today, trying to find the kids who had gone up stairs to get away from her. This is the scariest one of them all!
-She loves to sing. She will just "ahh" away and it is so cute! She is always making noises and getting louder.

Just some other side notes. Tucker has joined the Chess Club at his school and is loving it. He likes that he knows some moves that the other kids don't that he learned from Gerald. Nate has started school again. He is taking 3 classes so I don't plan on seeing him for the next few months between school, overtime and work. So I am very much looking forward to this next weekend up at the cabin. Can't wait!

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