Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Bunny

As some of you may know, the Easter Bunny comes to our house on Saturday instead of on Easter Sunday. I made this decision before children ever came into my life. I wanted them to know the REAL reason of Easter and to focus on that reason on Sunday when we can go to church and have the stories told to us. They can get all their excitement and sugar rush over with on Saturday and then we can have a wonderful, relaxing Easter Sunday.

I am truly sorry that I don't have any pictures. I couldn't find the camera. There would have been some amazing pictures too if I had. Oh well. Hopefully I can describe to you well enough that you can see it. :0)

Last year when the Easter Bunny came and left an egg hunt for the children, Nate and I woke up to a pile of eggs on the couch. The boys had gotten up and found them all before we could even get down with Norma. So last night I told them that if they got up before anyone else, they could find 10 eggs. At 6 o'clock this morning I hear the boys talking. They hadn't gone to bed til nearly 11 the night before so I went to tell them that they needed to go back to sleep. I hear Tucker telling Thadd this, "I woke up at 3 and went back to sleep. Then I woke up at 5 and went back to sleep." This is where I spoke up, "And you woke up at 6 and are going to go back to sleep til 8!" Didn't quite happen.

Kate was the cutest. She squealed when she heard that there was something in those bright little eggs and walked around shaking them all. Then she carried her basket around like a purse. She is really into purses right now. My kind of girl. :0)

The older kids all got baseball mitts and a bat and some balls to play with when we go camping. We had a lot of fun tossing a ball around. The boys did really well with catching the ball. Norma... keep closing her eyes and saying, "Okay, I'm ready."

I am a little sad that Nate couldn't be here to watch them having so much fun with everything. He is in Moab working this weekend. He was hand picked and it is just 3 of them that are down there just being an extra man on the roads.

I hope that everyone enjoys their Easter weekend. We are off to a day of cookie making and our Easter egg cupcakes. (I get to break into our coconut!) Love you all and I hope that we can remember the Savior this weekend and why we get to have chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps, that there is a much bigger reason for our wanting to spoil our kids with sugar for a day.


Anonymous said...

Yes there is! Thank you for letting us in on the fun and reminding us of the REASON :)

Bonnie said...

What an awesome idea to do the commercial stuff on Saturday so that Sunday is reserved for the real reason for the season. Your kids are so funny and I am glad they had such a good time:) You are a great Mom.

Kathryn said...

You did a great job of describing the day. Thanks for letting me be part of it!