Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cleaning the House

I have to do a big THANK YOU to my neighbor for coming to the rescue and letting me borrow her camera charger.  I am still going to have to order one of my own but for now I have a working camera and I can get the pictures off the camera.  I have put a ton of posts on my other blog with all the fun things I have been doing. You can check it out if you want. :0)

This weekend has been full of spring cleaning.  I have now gone through both of the children's rooms and thrown away a ton of things and have a huge bag for DI.  I need to go through the toy box down stairs still but I feel really good about what we have gotten done.

I really wish I had more pictures of our week.  Katy is trying to use the potty.  I happen to catch her at a really good time Sunday and she went in the potty!!  It has yet to happen again.  But she is enjoying sitting on it and she likes to think that she is a big girl.  I'm having high hopes for this summer.

We are just trying to stay busy at our house and can not wait for camping season!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Katy is so grown up in her new dress.