Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1st Day of School

 Check out my amazing kids!
 Thad is going into 3rd Grade and has Mrs. Jackson.  If someone can talk him into not tucking in his shirt like that, I would love them forever.  You can't tell me that he is not his own person.

 Norma is going into 1st grade and has Mrs. Worlton for her teacher.  She was told that she was beautiful because of her shirt.  The dogs went nuts too.  All the sun spots on the wall.
 Look at this handsome man!  Tucker is starting 5th grade at a new school, Hidden Hollow.  He is still in the A.L.L program and has Mrs. O'Very for his teacher.  He has some new students in his class this year and gets to ride his bike with a boy from our ward.
 Can't leave this beauty out.  Chocolate face and all.  I had made chocolate chip muffins for breakfast as a special treat for the first day of school.
 Thad and his best friend Ira.  Ira lives right across the street and is going to be the hardest thing to lose for Thad when we move.  I love that he has a best friend right across the street, that they can play all day and that they enjoy each others company as much as I enjoy spending time with my best friends.

I have to say that it is going to be hard just having Katy home.  Even more so now that we have things packed up and in the garage.  I can't craft, sew or make cards.  I have been cleaning more and walking Norma to and from school.  That took up some of my day. :0)

The night before school, Nate gave the kids some amazing Father's Blessings.  I am so grateful to have a husband who has that amazing power and can use it in our home and with our children.  I love knowing that the Lord uses his mouthpiece in our home, Nate, to talk to us individually and knows what we need and what we want.  I am so very grateful for the protection that this offers all of us for the school year.  Helping us remember that we can make it through as we listen to the Spirit and the Lord and stay strong as a family.

I should make a note about the stress that I had the first day, but it makes me upset to think about it again, and its over and not much I can do about it.  But just for journaling sake I will say that there was a mix up, lots of stress on my part and that things are good now and hopefully stay that way. ;0)


Bonnie said...

So funny about Thad's shirt! Your kids are awesome! I was just wondering if you had first day of school pics yet, I know school starts a couple weeks earlier than ours out here. Sorry about the stress, any kind of mix up makes me super nervous.

Becky Gockley said...

Love you comment about Thad's shirt! That is funny! Looks like they were all ready to go! I hope they had a great day! Sorry to hear there was some stress, glad that part got better as well!

Kathryn said...

It's fun to see the children happy and ready for school. I hope the rest of the day was good as well and happy that your day got better. Thanks for sharing it with us!