Saturday, August 18, 2012

Trying Something New

As most of you know, we have some behavior issues with Thad.  We have tried many different things to try and teach and help him with his anger.  We had something just happen and the thing that I came away with after being able to talk with him and not having either one of us upset is that it helps him to do something physical when he is angry. 

This is one of our solutions.

I know that some of you may be thinking, "Great, you are teaching him to hit.  Thanks."  But that is not what it is for.  It is to help him focus his anger on a physical thing and gives him something to "put a face on" so to speak.

We are also putting him into karate.  We hope that the lessons that they teach will help him know that hitting people and other things are not the answer.  That if he really feels like he needs to hit something, there are things that he can hit and we are hoping to help him learn different ways to be able to talk out his anger when he learns that hitting is just for fun and exercise.

He is not the only one who has enjoyed the new addition.  Nate can't help himself.  Every time he is upstairs for something, he has to detour into the boys room.  He thinks of things to do upstairs just to go hit the thing.

Katy also enjoys it. :0)


Bonnie said...

I love that first picture of Katy, so cute! I totally agree that focussing your anger on something productive is important to learn, that's how my house stays so clean..hehe. Karate will be super good for him.

Becky Gockley said...

This sounds like a great thing to try! Karate will be good as well. We had Riley do karate for awhile and they do teach them such amazing things besides karate moves. It will be great!

Kathryn said...

I'm always impressed with how Nate works with Thad, and in this case 'coached' Thad as to why he should 'box' and how. This has possibilities of teaching all the family. I'm glad you have these great ideas.