Saturday, October 13, 2012


I have some amazing friends and neighbors.  I was able to go to breakfast with Ryann and Kate.  They are my next door neighbors.  One on the left, one on the right.  I am going to miss these ladies so much when we move!  Their kids too. :0)

Then, on the same weekend I was able to go to dinner with some of my best friends in the whole world!  Jenny and Angela are the greatest and I wish that we went out more often.

Jenny has been with me for so many years that I can't even count.  She has been my best friend since Jr. High and will continue to be forever!!

I am leaving some amazing people here but I plan on visiting often and will always make time for all of them!!


Jenny said...

We have been through thick and thin (literally) a couple of hours away won't change that. Love you!

Bonnie said...

I love girl time! Glad you got some in before moving, you all are so happy together:)