Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snow Anyone?

When I let the dogs in this morning, this is what I opened the door to.  Why I didn't see all this snow before I let them out?  Only one explanation.  Two early mornings in a row.  3 a.m. has come both mornings to Nate's wonderful ringtone with dispatch on the other side asking him to come out.  Yesterday, a phantom car needing help.  This morning an accident that we could see from the house.  So now is there not only 3 inches of snow outside, (there has been another inch since I took this picture and it is still snowing hard) with a sheet of ice underneath it, I am one tired Momma.  I've been doing homework when Nate leaves instead of going back to bed.  Bed probably would have been the smarter choice.

On a side note.  I've decided that I like hearing about Nate's day at work AFTER he gets home.  Not before he has to go and do things that I would rather not think about him doing.  Like a having to enter a house by force because some guy is inside with a gun.  Or going 150 on the freeway to catch up to a semi running the port.  Or following a drunk for miles before finally getting them to pull over without crashing.  Or having to go to the strip club.  Man, his life is so hard.  I'm so glad that he loves his job and he tells me these things with a smile on his face.  Just like a little kid with a sucker as big as his head. :0)


Becky Gockley said...

Holy Cow that is a ton of snow! Man Nate is doing some crazy stuff! I wouldn't want to know either! Hang in there!

Bonnie said...

Wow, lots of snow your way. Love you new blog design:)

Glade and Diane Powell said...

We worry about Nate with his job everyday. We are so proud of both of you. We love you all!