Wednesday, August 14, 2013

40 Day Fast

Our branch is doing a 40 Day Fast to help get more people to come to church and to help the Missionaries with new converts.  Every family in the branch signed up for one day and yesterday was our day.  We started Monday night with FHE and talked about why were were fasting.  We decided that we wanted to include fasting for help with our daily family scripture study and family prayers.  We decided before hand that water and gum would be okay to have for the day and that we would all fast breakfast and lunch together.  (All but Katy.  She is just too little still.)

I have to say that it was one of the hardest days ever but with lots of gum and a few little prayers to help us make it to dinner, we were able to do it.  Norma, Tucker and Thad did so well!  I am so impressed with my children and their will to do what is right.  The Spirit that filled our home, and still does, is amazing!

I am so grateful to go through this experience with my family.  I feel that we have grown and learned so much just from this little act of sacrifice that we were able to do.  It was perfect to help us begin the school year with the Lord in our home and in our hearts.


Kathryn said...

What a wonderful experience and testimony of the power of sacrifice through fasting and praying for righteous purposes!

Glade and Diane Powell said...

Tucker emailed us about your fast and was so excited to tell us about it. What a great experience for your family.