Friday, August 2, 2013

Water Toys

We got some floaters for Katy and a big blow-up penguin. The kids couldn't wait to try it out. Katy took it over. She loved it!

She hated sharing it but when she did she loved her floaters. She swam the while time in the deep end with us. She would push off our legs and swim back and forth between Nate and I.

She really didn't like sharing so she brought it out with her to dry off together.

At least we got dinner in her first. 5 minutes and she was gone. Lets hope she stays asleep for the night.


Amy Conklin said...

Cute penguin - and little girl!

Kathryn said...

What a great day for Katy! It appears the other chlldren were patient with Katy's ownership of the penguin. Is Winni jealous?

Glade and Diane Powell said...

These are the cutest pictures. That Katy is a cutey. Life is good.