My brother John has been working on a ranch in Wyoming all summer long. He came down to visit for a friends wedding at the end of September, (this is how much I've been slacking in the posting department), and brought Thadd a late birthday gift. John asked Thadd if he wanted it wrapped or just in the bag. Thadd was happy to just have it in the bag, until he pulled it out. It was a Davy Crockett outfit. He looked in the bag and said to John, "What else?" I just started laughing! I told John that to Thadd, he was just seeing a dead animal! My kids have no idea who Davy Crockett or how cool this present is! How sad is that!
It took about an hour, but Thadd finially tried it on. First he had to run around the house and see if it would fit without anyone seeing him. He came back without it on and said it was too big. I know it's not nice to laugh at your kids, but I thought this whole thing was so funny! By the end of the day he hadn't taken it off and was chopping everything with the foam axe. First thing the next morning he put it back on and has loved playing with it. I have to say, I haven't gone to find the movie of Davy Crockett but I think my kids would love it!
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