Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's a Girl!

I am so excited! We are getting a girl! I didn't think there was anyway we were going to get so lucky to get 2 of each but we did. Thadd and Norma came with us to the doctors for the ultrasound. It was fun to tell Thadd that when we saw him in my tummy, he was sucking his thumb! Nate said that baby looked bigger than the other kids when we had their ultrasounds and it's because I am 22 weeks along, where with the others we were not quite 20 weeks. Both Thadd and Norma were disappointed when she said it was a girl. They were both hoping for a brother.

I can not say how happy I am for another little girl. It works out so well for us. Now we can have 2 kids in each room. Plus, when we moved into the house, I gave all my baby boy clothes to a woman in the ward that had 2 little baby boys a year apart. I would have had to get all new boy clothes. Now I can just have all the ones from Norma. Having them born in the same month is going to be awesome too!
I love little baby pictures! This is her leg. This is what Nate saw and said she was bigger than the other kids were. Her legs are so long! And she was going crazy! She has been moving like crazy the last few days anyways. It made it hard for the ultrasound lady to get good pictures. Just when she would get a good picture of her, she would move.

A tiny little foot!
As you can see, she is already the drama queen. Arm on her forehead and arching her back. This picture is a little blurry because she just was moving so much! We are so excited for March to come. Then we will get to meet Kathryn Kristine!


Jordyn Parry said...

That's so exciting! Congrats you guys!!

Smith Family said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting!!

Rusty and Jessica Terry said...

Congrats glad it's a girl. How fun!!!