Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Elf on the Shelf

We started this tradition 2 years ago and it was the best thing ever! Around Thanksgiving I think all kids get the "naughties", but that is when Frisbee comes to our house. This little elf comes and goes every night. He goes back to Santa and tells them whether the kids have been good that day or not. They can't touch him but they can talk to him and tell him everything they want for Christmas.
My children love this elf! So much that on the first morning after he came to our house they were up before Eric even got here in the morning! (That is 6:30!) But he really helps with the good behavior in the house and they listen much better once this little guy has come. The dog even went crazy when we all found him the first day. Kept jumping up the wall to try to get to him and sat and whined under him forever! I was a little late getting a picture of it though.
I really recommend this tradition to everyone with little kids. I got mine at Hallmark when I was working there for the Christmas season. It comes with the cutest little book and of course, your very own elf!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

That is so so cute! I love that idea and you are so right about all kids acting up during the holiday season.