Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Scripture bags

Nate told me I couldn't blog about this but too bad. :) Tucker had gotten scriptures and a case from my parents for his baptism and so my Aunt Kathryn got a Book of Mormon for Thadd and Norma. Thadd was feeling a little left out not having a bag to carry his scriptures in so I told him I would make a bag for him latter that week. Nate didn't think he needed to wait that long so he got out this fishy material and made Thadd this bag. I have to admit, it is much better than I ever would have done. Thadd was so excited that his DAD was making it for him.

Look how happy this boy is! He does this finger fumble when he gets really excited! I don't know any other way to describe it.

Norma couldn't be left out so I made Nate make her one too. I have such a talented husband!

"Don't worry. I don't think boys who sew are sissys." -Grandpa (Wayne) Powell
This is something he said to Nate when he was younger and Grandpa came in and saw Nate cross-stitching. Nate's thoughts were, "I'm a sissy?" No honey, you are not a sissy, You are a wonderful father that will do anything for his kids.

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