Thursday, April 29, 2010

Such a blessing!

I just needed to write some of my feelings lately. I have been over come with the Spirit lately and feel the need to share. I have been truly blessed over this last year. Things have just fallen into place for me and my family. I have had a trying year, starting with the miscarriage, getting pregnant again so quickly and on from there.

Kate is my blessing. I know that she is here because I asked for her. I know that everything went so well with labor and delivery because Heavenly Father knew I needed it. I know that Kate is a healthy little baby because of the prayers of others for our family and the prayers of my heart. I am truly blessed with my health, the health of my husband and children and the health of my new little baby. I have had too many friends and acquaintances have so many health issues with their new babies that it just makes me more aware of the blessings being poured out on my family. I have never felt the Spirit so strongly in my home as I have these last few months. I can really feel all the prayers and love for my family. It is a tangible feeling in the home. I need to thank you all for that. It has helped me with Nate going back to work and being a mom of 4.

I am so very grateful for my testimony. For my Heavenly Father and his love for me and my family. For the knowledge that I have, that He knows me, He knows my faults, He knows my strengths, and He know just what I need right now in my life. I love feeling His presence in my life and I know that He is there because He knows that I need it right now and He hears the prayers of others in my behalf.

"I know my Father lives and loves me too. The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me it is true, And tells me it is true."
The Children's SongBook pg 5


Brian and Tonya said...

What a beautiful testimony. I am so greatful for the blessings in my life. It seems like God guides and helps us more than we could ever know.

Becky said...

So inspiring! I often forget about the little blessings to be thankful for. It is wonderful to have a healthy baby with no problems, we've had our share, although there are others far more worse than we were.

Bonnie said...

Thank you for sharing:) It is so nice to hear your testimony and your love for your family and the Lord.

Love you