Tucker was accepted into an Accelerated Learning Lab, or ALL class for 3rd grade. Which means he will be doing a lot of 4th grade school work. He is so excited for it! He will be with this same class next year too. Then for 5th there might be a chance for more kids to come in because they retest for 5th grade. The only bad thing is, the school that he has to go to is in Saratoga Springs. Nate drove it and it is 5 miles from our house. So we have gotten him on a bus that will take him. But the bus stop is still in Saratoga Springs and it is 2 miles away. With both boys going at the same time, this bus thing was the best for timing wise. I can drive Tucker down to the bus stop and then drive back and drop Thad off. They both get there on time and I don't have to stress with all the road work going on Redwood Road.
Now I can't wait to go pick them up and find out how the first day of school went!
I just had to post some of the things that Thad and Tucker had to say after their first day of school. Thad was the first kids out of school and ran right up to the car. I asked what he did for the first day and was told, "I had too much recess!" He was so disappointed. Silly kid! He is looking forward to homework, now if only I can have him be this excited his whole life! Tucker LOVES his class! He may only know one girl and she is at the stage where it is un-cool to have friends that are boys, but I know he will have a ton of friends soon. He loves the class so much that I don't worry about him too much.
What an experience the first day of school is! I sent Riley and was so sad all day. I missed him! It was nice to hear no fighting in the house though!
It's great to have them excited to go to school. I'm surprised if Norma hasn't asked about when she gets to go. I hope it's been a good day for the whole family!
That Tucker is quite the "smarty pants"! They look so cute! I can't believe how fast the summer went!
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