Saturday, December 17, 2011

"Thad's Shoes!"

 Katy is talking so much more!  She is also discovering much more too.  She found Thad's snow boots and thought it was a hoot to walk around in them.  The morning after I had taken these pictures she was walking around saying, "Thad's shoes.  Thad's shoes."  But it kind of sounded like she was sneezing. :0)
 She just loves her Thad.  She says all her siblings names very clear but you have to know what she is saying because their names sound like other names.  "Thad" sounds like "Dad" but she says "Daddy" for Nate.  When she says "Norma"  is sounds like "Mama" but she calls me "Mommy".  "Tucker" is the only one you don't get confused with. 

She is growing up so much.  Last night the kids slept down stairs and Kate just had to be with them.  She climbed right in Thad's snuggie and scooted right down in it and laid there with them.
Katy is saying, "Ho, ho, ho" a lot too.  When ever she see's a picture of Santa, "Ho, ho, ho" comes out but she see's a man like Santa and she can't get away fast enough.


Bonnie said...

So cute! She is adorable.

Kathryn said...

This is an awesome reminder of love that goes beyond this earth and binds us.