Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

Not happy with not having a camera.  I took some with my phone and not happy with what I got.  But I'm sharing them anyway because it is all I have and some of the things that happened are very worth remembering. :0)

So Winni spent the day crafting with me and we made these.

 It looks better on my phone. :0(

 This is where I put them.

Very nice huh? :0)

We were outside all day and we did put sunscreen on but... we forgot a few places.  My leg and her neck.  Ouch.

We headed over to the Powells for a BBQ and fireworks.  Glade made the best burgers! Glade and Diane were very nice to let Kathryn and Winni join in the fun.  It was wonderful having all of us there and the kids played so well!  I love when they all get along.

Now you have to know that the Powell's are early people.  You sometimes have to wear sunglasses to see the fireworks because they do them when it is still light outside.  This year was a bit better.  It was darker.  The wind was bad too so we had to come up with something to protect the fireworks.  This is what Nate found.

 Yes.  That is a wheelbarrow.  Made for some easy clean up. :0)

Now here are some pictures that I'm sad about.  Katy was being so cute with Thad and I knew that if I tried to get closer that she would quit.  So look closely and you will see how very cute she was. 

 Then she got tired of giving a hard time to Thad and came to be with Winni.

And then Kathryn.

At one point she was climbing the swing the kids were sitting on.  Then when one of the fireworks went off, she pretended she was dead.  She leaned back with her tongue out and eyes closed.  I laughed so hard!

 It really was a wonderful night and the kids loved being outside when it was dark.  We stayed late enough for the Thanksgiving Point fireworks to start and Glade's is the best place to see all the fireworks in Lehi that people set off.   I had a hard time with people setting them off this year.  With the fire danger, I don't know if I would have done it.  That is why we used a wheelbarrow. ;0)

1 comment:

Becky Gockley said...

Looks like a fun night! Wish we could have been there too! So much little time :)