Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Angel Lake

We decided to take a break from homework and go for a drive.  We have been told by all the locals that Angel Lake is the place to go camping.  It was raining so hard the whole drive over there but had stopped when we got to the turn off.

As we went along the road there were two different camping spots.  Angel Creek and Angel Lake.  We had never heard of the first so we drove right on past and headed up the mountain to Angel Lake.  We have given this road a new name.  Death road.  A two lane road up a steep slope with nothing but air between you and the side down the mountain.  Only to get to the top and find the smallest camping sites you have ever seen.  You could not even park a car there let alone a trailer.  And the lake, um, pond.

Pretty.  But small.  It would be a fun day trip.  There would be nice fishing, the smell was amazing, (smelled like camping) and there were some hiking trial around and up the mountain.  That is if you want to risk the drive up Death Road.

We did end up driving through the Angel Creek camping site.  There was no creek but the sites were a bit bigger.  Reminded me of Spanish Fork's Diamond Creek camp site.  If we go camping that way, we'll play it safe and stay off the mountain and stick to the creek.

1 comment:

Becky Gockley said...

Looks really pretty though. Wish the campsites were bigger for you to enjoy!