Friday, September 27, 2013

'Shrek' the Musical

Nathan needed to go to a play for one of his classes and instead of trying to find sitters for the kids and going to a theater in Salt Lake, he chose to take the whole family to "Shrek".  We took Winni, Mom (Kathryn had been to sick to come) and Celest with us.

What a fun night!  What a long night.  Katy sat on Nana's lap all night until just after intermission when she came to tell me she was ready to go back to Nana's house and to her blanket.  It was 9 o'clock at the time so she was valid in her reasoning. 

The play was so cool.  Donkey's voice was amazing and the Fiona's acting made me think of my cousin Karras and how well she would have played the part.

It was fun to laugh at Thad when they kissed at the end and to have him laugh so loud and hard at the "passing gas" scene.  All in all, it was a fun family night.


Becky Gockley said...

Sounds so fun! Glad you got to go!

Kathryn said...

I'm glad it was a great play for the family. I hope there's another time I can come.