Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy Birthday 10 Year Old!

Thad has been talking about this day since before Norma's birthday back in March.  Well buddy, its here!

We have a hard time shopping for this boy because he doesn't like video games as much as his brother does.  He did give us some ideas though.  This boy wants to be an artist and so we got him a ton of drawing supplies.  Sketch books, pencils, how-to books and more.  He was in heaven.

He had gotten his birthday money from Grandpa and Nana about a week earlier and we let him order something off line and have it shipped.  It was perfect timing and arrived today too.

A remote control helicopter.  Nate was just as excited as Thad was and has asked Santa to bring him one for Christmas.

We set it up for him to fly and land in a room without a ceiling fan.  It is such a small helicopter that to be able to fly it outside there has to be no wind whatsoever and that has not happened in a long time here.  He is able to land it on a target and loves to fly it around the whole house.

Thanks Grandpa and Nana!

 It's hard to think I have another double-digit child.  I'm not that old am I?

1 comment:

Becky Gockley said...

Happy Birthday Thad! That banner is amazing! Looks like he had fun!