Monday, May 3, 2010

2 months old

I took Kate in for her 2 month check-up today. I was going to take her in no matter what today because she has had a fever on and off for the last few days. She is 22 inches long and weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 4 ozs! I could not believe that she was that big! She has gained 3 lbs since her 2 week appointment! I never imagined that she would be that heavy already. I have to say that I am not to happy with my doctor's office right now. First of all, the doctor and one of the nurses had a terrible cough. I could hear them hacking up a lung! So I just thought they would be wearing a mask when they came in to see us. Nope. Just sucking on a cough drop. Now I know that doctors get sick and still need to work, that is fine, I understand that, but I would think with a 2 month old they would be a little more cautious. Then to top off the whole experience, the nurse gave Kate all her shots separate. In the past they have had 2 nurses come in and do it all at the same time so it is not so many needles right in a row. By the time she was done there was blood running all down Kate's leg, she was so upset and I was in tears! I have never had a baby bleed so much from just their shots. I have never had a baby react so much to their shots either. She has been so fussy and refuses to move her leg more than she needs to. Which is so sad because she is such a good baby. It has not helped her fever at all. They told me it was nothing to worry about because it was off and on and she had no other symptoms. Now I can't get it to go down. I know it is from her shots but it is not going to help my night. And to top it all off, Nate is working nights now and I am home alone. Now I'm just complaining so I'll go. She is still smiling right after she wakes up though so I guess that is a good sign. It just doesn't last as long.


Jordyn Parry said...

aw poor thing! She is adorable!

Becky said...

Oh my gosh! That is horrible! I love my new pedatrician. I go to Alpine Pediatrics I know thye have an office in Saratoga Springs.


Did you see Jeff? I hate it when my kids get shots. Your little girl is just adorable. I am still planning on barging over to your house sometime for you to teach me how to sew! lol :)