Tuesday, May 18, 2010


In the last two weeks there have been- 2 more visits by the tooth fairy (one for Tucker and one for Thad), 1 flooded backyard (not in our basement, just our yard), no husband (working nights and overtime shifts), 1 extra dog ( my parents dog, funny story to go with that), 1 car accident (my mother, she's fine, broke her foot) and 1 crazy woman (me). I'll post pictures of the boys and the water later if I get a second.


Bonnie said...

Sounds like a busy last couple of weeks. Glad to hear that your Mom is okay. Can't wait to see pictures of your kids.

Rusty and Jessica Terry said...

hope your mom is doing ok

Erika said...

Hi! You are a friend of Bonnie's? I went to high school with her. Anyway, I think this is the first year that Disney Movie Rewards is doing the free movie. I haven't gotten it in the past. They just sent me an email saying that I could choose from one of five (and get 25 free points) if I clicked on the link in the email. But when I clicked and signed on I didn't see the offer anywhere on their site. So I called them (it's hard to find the number) and they awarded me the points and I ordered the DVD over the phone. If your birthday is in May you could probably do that.