Sunday, November 14, 2010

Primary Program

The kids had their Primary Program today. They have been working on it for weeks and were so excited to do it this year. Last year they didn't want to go to the front but this year they couldn't wait. They all woke up and got right ready for me this morning. It was wonderful! It is always so hard to get us all ready when Nate is not here on Sunday's but they did and I was so proud. The sang so well and I was even impressed that Thadd sang. He has been getting ready for his school Christmas program and has been singing those songs for the last two weeks and so I think that helped him be more willing to sing today in Church. Norma was sad that she could only see Gerald. There was just so many people in church today for the program.

I wanted to take some pictures of the kids in their church clothes for a Christmas card so I thought I would share some of the ones that where on the "Not a chance" list.Here are some pictures of Kate's new thing. She isn't really "crawling" but she sure knows how to move. She has the backward thing down, until she gets in a corner. This is her corner that she always gets suck in. She also is really good at getting her feet stuck under the couch too. Thadd is really trying hard to get her to crawl forward. He is always getting down on the floor with her and trying to help her go forward. The dog thinks that they are down there to play with him and is always getting fists full of hair pulled out by Kate.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Your kids are so cute even in the "not a chance" pictures. I'm glad they were so good for you on Sunday:)