Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Norma's First Day of School

Norma had her very first day of Kindergarten today.  I had put her in the afternoon class because she is very much Not a morning person.  If you wake this girl up before she is ready, look out.  So of course for the first day she is up with Tucker before 7 am.  She was getting her breakfast bowl and I hear her say to Thad, "Look what I found!  Mom's candy stash!"

Yep.  She found it alright.  Now I need to move it. :0)

As soon as the boys left for school all I heard all day long was, "Is it after lunch time yet?"  Oh boy.  Maybe I should have done morning kindergarten.
She is such a big girl though.  I swear you would think she was 16 and not 5 if you saw the way that she was acting.  All the other kids were glued to their parents sides and there is Norma, on the playground.  Couldn't care less that I was still there and was wondering why she couldn't just go in and start her day.
The teachers were really cute.  Had this fun sign up to have the kids take pictures with and they had boxes of tissues out everywhere and were handing out Kisses and Hugs chocolate.  Norma ate mine.  :0)
"Hugs and Kisses Say Goodbye Here's a tissue In Case you Cry"
She loves her teacher, Mrs.  Stayner and acts like this is nothing new to her.  She could have been going to school her whole life.  What am I going to do when she grows up for reals?  Heaven help me.


Kathryn said...

Yes, that is so Norma! Glad she let you take a picture with the sun in her eyes. And I hope she'll continue to enjoy school.

Anonymous said...

I remember YOUR first day at school. sniff sniff I thought you were so grown up and then I watched you grow up over night. Enjoy them babies while you've got them my love... It's over in a minute. Love you. So proud of all of you!

Bonnie said...

So cute! Clark isn't a morning person either so this brings me hope, he starts full day K next year.