Wednesday, November 23, 2011

So much to blog, so little time

The last two weeks have been busy, busy, busy at my house.  I've been cooking up a storm and the kids have been wonderful.  Last Monday, Nate hurt his back.  Big time!  He couldn't walk for 3 days and is just going back to work.  He is still sore and being careful not to hurt it again, I'm so glad that he is moving and almost back to normal.  It was a very long week taking care of him and everything else. 

I baked all week getting ready for a Scentsy Party I had at my house and the Powell Thanksgiving this last Sunday.  I'll be posting everything I baked with yummy pictures on my "other blog" so if you are interested in any of it, you can go here

I have a few posts with pictures to post and I'm hoping to have time to do them all on Friday night.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope that you eat all you can and get the best part of the holiday, Family!


Bonnie said...

I'm glad Nate is doing a little better, that sounds scary. I'm glad you are enjoying cooking and I wish you the very best Thanksgiving.

Becky Gockley said...

I am so glad Nate is getting better! That would be so hard! You did cook a ton! It was so yummy!