Thursday, May 31, 2012

Katy's First Hair Cut

I wish I would remember to take a before and after picture for things like this.  I cut Katy's hair.  It was down past the middle of her back but didn't look it because of all the curls.  I had her in the bath and she was crying about me combing it and I told Nate to grab the hair scissors.  Off went 5 inches!  Both Nate and I cried when we put it in the toilet to flush it and it curled up.

When I got her out and was finishing up she kept crying, "My Hair!  My Hair!"  It was so cute and sad at the same time.

It is so much nicer to comb through.  She doesn't cry and she lets me do it again!


Becky Gockley said...

So cute! It is shorter but it will be better!

Kathryn said...

How traumatic! I'm glad it's all good once you did it.