Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mommy's Little Helper

I have been sewing a lot lately.  When don't I? :0)  Yesterday, as I was ironing I turned to see this...

She was so intent on getting it right.  She knew that something had to come down and she knew where to look for it to make it come down.  She was pushing buttons and twisting knobs.  I was so glad it was off.

I may have a lot of help in a few years with my sewing.  Norma says that her favorite part is watching me cut out the fabric.  I told her that can be her job.  It's my least favorite.  I just like sewing them all together.

I have to say that I'm a very happy that these have turned out as well as they have.  I had to take them with my phone because our camera has broke.  Again.  No warranty this time. :0(  But I have a very smart husband who helped me figure out how to get them from the email to here.  Thanks Hunny!


Kathryn said...

I love reading your stories, seeing pictures of your children, and I love them and you! Thanks for sharing!!!

Bonnie said...

So cute! I'm glad it was off too:) I used to cut out fabric for my Mom too.

Becky Gockley said...

That is so cute! That material looks familiar!