Saturday, March 16, 2013

Catching a Leprechaun

Thad stayed up late setting this up.
He has taken a rock from his rock collection, wrapped it in paper that he had colored yellow and put it in the pencil case under his bank.  He made this note for the leprechaun to read to be able to find the fake gold, then put a lego in the lid of the pencil box to hold it open a bit but would fall out and latch the box when the leprechaun got in to get the gold.
When he turned out the lights to go to bed he wondered how the leprechaun would read his note, so with the help of Tucker's brilliant mind, they came up with a plan.  They turned on their DS's and pointed them at the note.  Not wanted the DS's to die during the night they also made sure they were plugged in.
To bad we don't have leprechauns come to our house.


Kathryn said...

Thad and Tucker are so ingenious! Too bad the leprechaun wasn't.

Bonnie said...

How creative!

Becky Gockley said...

How good old leprechaun traps! Every year my kids are so sure that this will be there year!

Amy Conklin said...

I loved the "to any leprechaun!" So, cute, and very inventive!

Glade and Diane Powell said...

That is so cute and clever! I love how kids think.