Saturday, March 9, 2013

House Full for the Birthdays

We are so lucky to have family here this weekend.  We have a house full.  John and Celest came down Friday night and Mom, Dad, Winni and Kathryn came today.  We love having a full house!

The girls were super excited because they both got to celebrate their birthdays together with presents from Nana and Papa.

They both got beautiful Sunday dresses and lots of things to play with.  Kathryn gave them each new church shoes that they really needed.  Nana and Papa also brought bubbles and chalk to play outside with.  So glad it was a nice day.

The girls also got hat and glove sets.  Now they can be warm when they go out to play.

Katy got her own snuggie.  There is quite the story behind these.  Nate's Grandma had made him and his siblings these sleeping bag bear things when they were little.  Nate was still sleeping with his when we got married and years into our marriage.  I finally made him a "snuggie blanket" when his got so warn out it was falling apart.  My mom saw how much Nate loved his and decided that each of my kids needed one.  So she made each of them their own snuggie.  Katy wasn't even a thought at the time so her's was a bit longer in the making. :0)
Norma also learned how to ride a two-wheeler while they were out.  Notice that Eva is just following Nate, carrying the frisbee, hoping that he will throw it for her.  She will sit and toss it at you for you to throw it for her.

We just love when family comes!  Even if we are close together. :0)


Bonnie said...

Looks like fun, your girls are the cutest!

Becky Gockley said...

How fun to have family come and spend time! I'm so glad they could come and celebrate your girls! What a funny story about the snuggies!

Amy Conklin said...

Family time is the best! Great stories here too! Love it! Good job to Norma for learning to ride! What an accomplishment!

Glade and Diane Powell said...

We love these two girls. Congratulations to Norma on learning to ride her bike. That is always a big accomplishment.