Sunday, March 3, 2013

Katy Birthday is Finally Here!

 My baby is 3!  I just want to sob.  My little girl is not so little anymore.  She is still a Mommy's girl and I will love that til the day I die.  It may bug me sometimes, her always wanting to "hold you" meaning she wants me to hold her.  She wants me to play with her or do homework on the kindle.  She is talking all the time now and loves having a friend right next door to play with.  She is growing so fast, I am having to change out her clothes for a bigger size all the time.

I tried to be good and use tips to decorate her cupcakes but that didn't work out so well.  I just don't do decorating cakes.  I like to eat them and just slap on some frosting.

 She was so excited about her presents.  She happen to be with us when we got them  because we waited to get her gifts.  We did try to be sneaky about it but she is a very nosy girl.  I just glad that we got them on Friday because if she would have had to wake longer for her presents we would have run out of places to hide them where she would not keep finding them.
 Eva can't be left out of the fun.
 Here is Katy right after she opened her birthday card from Grandpa and Nana.  She opened the card, saw the money and threw the card on the floor, dancing and singing, "I got moneys!  I got moneys!"

*Be the way, we took her to the store and let her pick out a present to spend her "moneys" on and she picked a My Little Pony the walks and sings.  She sleeps with it, hugs it and can't go anywhere without it.  Thanks Grandpa and Nana!*

 One of her favorite presents was the camera that she could click the button and it shows a picture of Mickey characters.  She thinks it funny when she takes a picture of you and you end up looking like Goofy. :0)  I thought it was great that she wanted a picture of her cake just like I did.

 She may have had a hard time blowing out the candles.  I promise, we didn't use trick ones either.
 What a beautiful 3 year old.  We have had to tell her since Tucker's birthday that it wasn't her birthday yet.  That she was still 2 and on her birthday she would be 3.  3 is a hard number for a little girl to get.

 What is taking pictures without the close up at the end.  Love this girl!!!


Bonnie said...

What a cutie! I love the cupcake cake, such a good idea!

Amy Conklin said...

Happy Birthday Katy! She is getting REALLY big and her hair is so long!

Becky Gockley said...

Happy Birthday to Katy! Looks like she had a great birthday! She is getting big! There is something about turning three...they just seem too old too quick!