Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dentist Appointments,

Okay so I really should not be saying this but it has been 2 years since I took my kids to see a dentist. I know, I know, I'm a terrible mother but you have to understand my phobia of the dentist. I HATE the dentist!
So to get back to the kids. I actually took Tucker last week. He was so good. Just laid there and watched the t.v. the whole time. But my baby has a mouth full of cavities. No joke. A mouth full. One of his teeth he will have to have a baby root canal done on it. So sad! (Another terrible mother moment:( ) But he doesn't have to have that done til after his birthday.
Today was the day that I took both Thadd and Norma. No small task, so I brought my mother with me. Thanks Mom! But there really was no need. Thadd did so awesome! Now if you know my Thadd man you know he is very shy. To the point of being very rude, shy. So of course he didn't say a word to the dentist. The dentist told me that when kids are like that they usually don't let him in their mouth at all but Thadd did everything he asked. He opened his mouth bigger and smiled for him and he even let him take care of one tiny cavity that he had. He was so awesome! Didn't want to do it with out me in there and I think it was harder on me than anything. They just gave him a little laughing gas and it was over like that. I nearly drew blood in my own lip when I heard the drill though. I repeat, I HATE the dentist!
Norma of course was so good. She walked right in and shook the dentists hand. Let him look in her mouth and even did well while they cleaned them. To say the least my kids desevre medals. I still don't do that well at the dentist. So as a reward, when we stopped to get flowers for Grandmas grave, I let them pick out candy of course. :) My children have inspired me to be better about the dentist. They all are so awesome!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

The dentist can be pretty scary. I am glad your kids did so well.