Thursday, January 15, 2009


Nate is almost done with training with the UHP and up til this week is has mostly been classroom and paperwork. This last week though has been hands on. Monday and Tuesday he came home so beat up. They were just learning defensive training and they were not to nice. He is bruised from his ankles up to his eyes. Poor baby! :) Yesterday was the day he had to be Tasered and OCed (fancy word for pepper spray) He said that monday and tuesday were harder than yesterday. When he very first started and the prison over 4 years ago, he was sprayed and made to do an obstacle coarse. If any one knows how to get video from a vhs to dvd let me know and I will post the video from that. This time around it was much better. He was just sprayed lightly and not all over his eyes. He said it didn't even burn until he washed it off. That was in the morning. After lunch was when they all got Tasered. He has been Tasered before. When the transportation officer was killed at the U of U they all were required to carry a Taser. So they all have to be Tasered. There fore the title of this post. He told me he only said one word. It wasn't a swear word even. No, it was just Owie! Over and over again. He really wants to see the video to see how fast he was saying it. I still can't stop laughing over it. I hope he get teased like crazy! I think it is a little werid that in order for them to carry a Taser and the OC spray they must know what it feels like to be shot with them but not a gun? :) Just a topic of conversation we have fun talking about. :) I am grateful for knowing that he has just a few different options when it comes to keeping himself safe. Just knowing that he is coming home to me is really all I care about. Please Heavenly Father, keep him safe.


Bonnie said...

Wow! That is weird how they have to go through so much and it does sound like a big Owie!

strickland party of six said...

Hey I hope he got teased to Boys don't say owie, only little boys that is to funny. Good luck Nate with the UHP!

Now as far as the bad mom thing goes, I'm sure there are kids out there that have never seen the dentist. So don't beat yourself up over it! I just feel bad that he has a whole mouth full of OWIES...) Yikes

strickland party of six said...

Hey Bobby, who is looking at my blog from your blog in Idaho??? I don't care I just wondered who it is and I guess I could have texted you also... Call me what have you been up to anyway?

Bonnie said...

I love your new Blog Background! I love the pink flowers:)