Monday, April 13, 2009

Quick Learner.

It was such a nice day out today that we totally took advantage of it and spent the afternoon outside. The kids were riding their bikes and scooters and I was just visiting with a friend while Nate tried to finish up a report for work. In the middle of everything, Nate decided to take off Tucker's training wheels. 20 minutes later this is what we got.

I could not believe how well he picked up on it! Nate walked behind him for a little while and told him that the key was to keep his balance. I think Nate told Tuck the best thing when he told him that keeping his balance was just like the balance game on the Wii Fit. It worked like a charm! The dog in the video is the neighbors. Thadd tried to ride with out his training wheels too but couldn't quit honking his horn. Go Tucker!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Way to go Tucker!

Love you, Kathryn